CBD explained


Oil cannabidiol (CBD oil) is extracted from all parts (leaves, flower buds and stems) of industrial hemp plant and is therefore also known as hemp oil (not to be confused with hemp seed oil!). Because of the strong force and the legal status, this oil is becoming more popular and is now also available in various shapes and flavors. In most cases, this can give oil relief of pain associated with various disorders and she raises the negative effects of heavy medication often. CBD oil contains virtually no THC and is suitable for adults, children, the elderly and also for animals. Because of the low amount of THC includes the CBD oil no psychoactive substances can be high. Most users say that it is relaxing. The oil has a golden colour. CBD-oil often has a positive effect in case of nausea, headache, but also there are results achieved by, inter alia, diabetes, epilepsy, rheumatism, ms, bowel disorders, psoriasis and other skin disorders, and many other diseases. CBD oil helps to relax muscles, making you sleep better and wake up less stiff . CBD oil also can be used to stop smoking or lose weight because it better regulates metabolism.

Source: Internet





CBD Oil instructions :   !!

The information on our website can "not" be considered as a substitute for a consultation and / or treatment by a physician or healthcare facility !! The information on this page is intended as a guideline , a starting point , the reference point .   Everyone will react differently to the CBD oil elaboration of the CBD varies per person . It is best to start with a small dose and gradually increase it to experience the desired result. So it is important to listen to your body .

  Dosage: Use 1 or 2 drops of oil CBD , one to three times a day under your tongue. The effect starts after 20 minutes and 3 to 5 hours will remain effective. NOTE TO FIRST-TIME USE !! ... Start with one drop under your tongue to measure the effect of the CBD oil on your body. Add one drop per day so far it feels good for you.

  The CBD oil always shake before use , best cool and dark place , not in the refrigerator

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